The Sims 4: Tech Guru Career Guide

The Sims 4: Tech Guru Career Guide

Level up Sims in the Tech Guru career like a pro. This guide is the secret sauce to climb the ladder in this career.

In a world where imaginations are coming to life thanks to technology, simulation games have gained immense popularity, mainly due to the freedom players have to create and realize their imaginations. The Sims 4 is one such example; it is the 4th installment of the famous Sims series and gives players the power to design and manage the lives of virtual characters called Sims.

The availability of a wide range of careers adds a spark to the virtual world in The Sims 4. Among these is the Tech Guru career, which is one of the highest paying careers. This guide aims to cover all aspects related to the Tech Guru career in The Sims 4.

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Traits for Tech Guru Career


The genius trait is terrific as it provides Sims with random, hour-long-centered moodlets. The focused emotion is excellent for this career, as it can speed up the learning process for Sims.


Sims with this trait get more fulfillment from gaming and spending time on the computer than others. They can also acquire concentrated moodlets from it.


Loner is also beneficial in the tech guru career since it decreases the Sim’s urge for social interaction. However, it would be best to not have this trait in excess, as it may result in Sims getting agitated with too many people around.

Tech Guru Career Ranks, Job Titles & Earnings Sims 4

tech guru sims 4 level 1 live chat support agent


Job Title

Daily Earnings


Live Chat Support Agent



Quality Assurance



Code Monkey



Ace Engineer



Project Manager



Development Captain


Upon reaching the 6th level in Tech Guru Career, players have to make a choice between two branches for their Sims: eSports Gamer and Start Up Entrepreneur. Their ranks, job titles, and pay per day are given below.

eSports Gamer Career Ranks, Job Titles & Earnings


Job Title

Daily Earnings


eSports Competitor



Pro Gamer



APM King/Queen



Champion Gamer


Start Up Entrepreneur Career Ranks, Job Titles & Earnings


Job Title

Daily Earnings


The Next Big Thing?



Independent Consultant



Dot-Com Pioneer



Start Up Genius


The Sims 4 Tech Guru Cheat

tech guru cheat sims 4

To master this career instantly, players can take advantage of cheats. Just follow these step-by-step instructions.

  • Enable the cheats depending upon the device type.
  • Type the cheat code “testingcheats true” and hit enter.
  • Type “careers.promote techguru” for an instant promotion.

The Sims 4 is available now for PC, Mac, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.